Paper V  B(Sustainable Development)  JPSC MAINS PDF MODULE

Group (B) - Sustainable Development, Economic Issues and Indian Development Strategy

(XII) Meaning and Measurement of Economic Development; Characteristics of Under Development.
(XIII) Indicators of development: HDI,India's HDI progress , GDI,GEM; .
(XIV) Rote of Foreign capital & technology in growth of economy.
(XV) Sustainable development : concept and indicators of sustainable development; economic, social and environmental sustainability; concept of Green GDP; Strategy and policy for sustainable development in India
(XVJ) Meaning of Inclusive growth and development policy and strategy during 11th and 12th Five Year Plans.
(XVII) Development status and Issues pertaining to socially and economically marginalised sections, like STs, SCs, religious minorities,backward castes and women; schemes launched for their development by Central/State Governments, including TSP, SC,ST and minorities
(XVIII)Poverty and Unemployment:Measurements and trends; identification of BPL families, HPI, Multi Dimensional Indian poverty index.
(XIX)Food and Nutritional Security : Trends In Food production and consumption in India; Problem of Food Security : Problems and issues of storage,procurement distribution,import and export: Government policies,schemes and programmes such as, PDS, ICDS and Mid-day Meal etc.
(XX) Governmental policies for food and nutritional security.
(XXI)Planning Strategy : Objectives and strategy of Indian Five Year Plans; Functions and Role of NDC, Planning Commission.

(XXII) Decentralized Planning : Meaning and importance; and decentralised planning; major initiatives in India.

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Paper V  B(Sustainable Development) JPSC MAINS PDF MODULE

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